A couple of months ago I propelled myself to reach my goal and get out of my student loan debt not just in 2 1/2 years as devised in late 2012, but as revised, much less than 2 1/2 years. Looking at this goal it appears IMPOSSIBLE. In addition to my part-time job, I now work as an independent contractor with Deluxe Display putting up banners and standees at theaters, and delved deeper into affiliate marketing. Including with my church activities, I feel overwhelmed. Money goes out but none come in for my business Regal Global Network.
Today I cried, absolutely desperate. I'm I crazy? I thought. Have I made a mistake? What am I doing wrong? But through my tears, I realized that people want instant results like instant food that comes out of a microwave including myself.
I have to hold on in the turmoil of confusion because confusion never stays. Will I be a wimp and give up? No. I have to hold on even when I feel alone by myself. Yet, I am not alone for God stands with me as tears rimmed my eyes. Courage rises up!
I will force myself to be optimistic, try, and try again. I will take my time and do not rush. Be patient, and remain passionate about achieving my goal continually reading my vision statements.
I leave you these encouraging words that encourage me: Go for the moon. If you do not get it, you still reach for a star!
Wow...that was awesome. Very Inspiring :)