Saturday, June 1, 2013

This is the 1st blog that began the wealth series, but I mistakenly deleted from the blog records right after its publication. Yet, recently I came across a draft of it in one of my documents. Therefore, I am republishing it again for those who are new to the blogs and have never read it. If you are one of the first ones who have read it, read it again. It will give you encouragement. Enjoy!


Do you think you’ve got what it takes to be rich? With the exception of lottery winners and those who inherited a prolific amount of money, every millionaire started with one, single, mono thought in their mind. Henry Ford – automobile, Bill Gates – Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook, Harland Sanders – Fried Chicken, The Wright Brothers – the airplane, for example, no matter how small or large the idea initiated, their thoughts created them wealth. Can you think? Do you generate thoughts? If your answer is YES, then you do have what it takes to be rich?  Alright, alright. Some of you do not want to be stinking, filthy rich, but just well off – no debts,  with freedom to spend time with loved ones and friends, and time to do and see whatever you want whenever you want not subjugated to a 9:00 – 5:00 job that you may hate. I get that, and it is not an awful thought (smile) or an idea. But with every thought, you must prepare for the vision or visualization of obtaining what you desire before to have it. You must have the correct mindset of perseverance and consistency, and action which leads to behavior or characterization.

You can achieve what you believe!
I have student loans that are kicking my derriere. I no longer have any credit cards or car loan debt – a wonderful relief. Yet, I started thinking. If I keep doing the say old thing I’ve been doing I am going to have same the old, grimy student loans cloaked over me as a prisoner for the next 20 years. No way! I thought. There has to be a way to eliminate the bill at an accelerated rate. So I took action to live with my mother after my divorce, so I can pay $1000+ per month for my student loans. This will eradicate the bill within 2-3 years instead of 20 years. But will this make me rich? Yes! For me being debt free quicker can produce more money to buy a home and make more investments. What thought can make you rich, well off? What idea that you have a passion for that can levitate you to the top - the top that you envisioned? I have told you one of my ideas, and I will not let it go because I think of it, I believe in it, and I can and will achieve it! You can too! Just begin with a simple thought.

I will continue on thought, action, consistency, momentum, visualization, and mindset in the upcoming months so catch us next month. And remember - share this with others!

To Your Wealth

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