I heard a story that really inspired me and wanted to share it with you.There was a young man who wanted to make a lot of money, and he went to this guru and told the guru that he wanted to be on the same level as the guru was on. So the guru stated, "If you want to make the same level that I am on meet me at the beach tomorrow at 4:00 am."
The young man, little confused, replied, "The beach? I want to make money. I don't want to swim," but the guru told him if he wanted to make money be at the beach tomorrow at 4:00 am. So the young man went to the beach at 4:00 am wearing a blue suit ready to rock and roll. He should have worn some shorts. The old man took the young man by his hand and asked, "How bad do you want to be successful?"
The young man said, "Real bad."
The old man said, "Walk out into the water."
The young man walked out into the water leveling to his waist. The young man reflected, "This guy is crazy. He got me swimming. I don't want to be a lifeguard. I want to make money."
"Come out a little further," said the old man.
The young man walks out a little further until the water raised to his shoulders. "This old man is crazy. He is making money, but he is crazy," he thought."
"Come out a little further."
He came out a little further until the water came to his mouth, halting. "I am about to go back in. This guy has lost his mind."
"I thought you want to be successful?"
"I do!"
"Walk a little further."
The young man proceeded deeper into the water, and the guru quickly grabbed his head pushing it underneath the water. The young man's arms went wild splashing against the water. Just before the man passed out, the guru raised him up.
"I got a question for you? When you were under the water what did you want to do?"
The young man out of breath and exhausted from the fight trying to stay alive replied, "I. Wanted. To. Breathe..."
"If you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe then you will be successful!"
My father in a certain atmosphere cannot breathe. All of a sudden for some unknown reason he couldn't breathe in his apartment, catching his breath. Prescription after prescription couldn't facilitate the problem. He was miserable. You know what my Dad finally did? He packed up his car with a few items leaving most things in his apartment and drove from Connecticut to North Carolina to stay without telling a soul. He just wanted to BREATHE, and he would do anything that could help him to do just that!
Many people want to succeed in their goals, but NOT bad enough as wanting to BREATHE. They rather hang out and/or party; they want to watch TV, or they rather get their zzz's on. If you did not know, that is sleep. I had to question myself analyzing the statement "If you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe then you will be successful!" I realized that I need to sacrifice and forgo some sleep, TV, or even forget eating to achieve my goals. I heard Beyonce was on a set and she forgot to eat for 3 days because she was so engaged. 50 cent worked on a movie and then said when he wasn't doing the movie he worked on the soundtrack. People asked him when he slept? His response was, "Sleep? Sleep is for those who are broke."
I don't know what your goal(s) are, but let's put on our running shoes and chase after them. If you need to cry, cry and keep going. Don't quit. Feeling pain? Suck it up! Pain does not last forever, but quitting does and gives you no opportunity for success! For every step no matter how large or small they WILL propel you further towards your vision(s). WANT IT AS BADLY AS YOU BREATHE. Then Success show's its face with a big 'ole smile.
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