Wednesday, May 1, 2013



As the Jews lead by a courageous man named Nehemiah, they forged to succeed in a daunting task of rebuilding the broken down and shambled Wall of Jerusalem. We see 6 essential aspects they did initiate by Nehemiah that we can keep them in our forefront when we desire to achieve our own goals. In part one we saw how 1. they stop listening to accusing voices, 2. they prayed, and 3. they did not take criticism personally. As we continue we will look at 4 and 5. If you have not read part one, it would be good to read that first.

4. They went from believing to expecting. As we know, Nehemiah already expected the ruined Wall completed in "Can You See Your Wealth Using Autosuggestion and Visualization?" He mustered the people's faith or belief that they could rebuild the Wall transforming it into action. An action represents the vital component one must have moving from believing to expecting. Action manifests the reality your belief must see as tangible.

5. They protected what was theirs. "Meanwhile, our enemies were saying, 'Before they know what's happening, we will swoop down on them and kill them and end their work,'" Nehemiah 4:11. Nehemiah heard about the plan the enemies conspired. He took action. He had half of the people to continue the work while another half held spears, shields, bows, and body armors as they watched the surroundings beside the workers ready for a fight. This was their lives being threatened. Nehemiah not only had the workers protected, but he also had men with spears, swords, and bows defending their families and their homes. Rebuilding the Wall belongs to their heritage and not anyone else.  With Nehemiah's quick scheme of action the counsel of trickery from the adversaries came to a halt.

Fight for your dream, your vision, your goal. Do not allow outsiders or distractions within you or around you destroy your business opportunities, or you losing weight, or you getting your degree from a university for examples. Remain steadfast with perseverance. To keep you on track, use autosuggestion and visualizations (previous blog) as you remind yourself of your goal and why you are doing it. Visualize that you have it before it manifests. Another point, if you run into problems and it seems like you can't find a solution, try the following: before you go to bed tell your subconscious about that particular setback(s), and say to your subconscious, "Discover viable solution(s) for those hindrances." You see, your conscious mind sleeps while you sleep, but your subconscious mind remains awake. It's always working for you even while you sleep. So while you sleep through the night with no worries knowing everything will be fine in the morning, once you awake your creative subconscious mind has an answer with clarity. It is amazing! Try it. It works for me. If you do not perceive an answer in the morning, as you get ready for bed once again inform your subconscious about the obstacles and voice it to find a remedy. No solution when you awake? Then do it again until you receive a huge payoff! Just do NOT worry or allow fear keeping you from having a good night sleep.

I will address the last point Nehemiah did in the following blog.

To your wealth!

This will be continued...


  1. Gurl, I really enjoyed this message, thanks it's what I needed to read. Please continue to do what God wants you to do. These word encouraged me so much. Keep up God's work.

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it. It encourages me to keep on blogging. I will have another one in May to make of the month that I missed and did not write so look out for it. It would be out probably in the middle of May.
