Wednesday, August 21, 2013


    I heard a story that really inspired me and wanted to share it with you.
     There was a young man who wanted to make a lot of money, and he went to this guru and told the guru that he wanted to be on the same level as the guru was on. So the guru stated, "If you want to make the same level that I am on meet me at the beach tomorrow at 4:00 am." 
     The young man, little confused, replied, "The beach? I want to make money. I don't want to swim," but the guru told him if he wanted to make money be at the beach tomorrow at 4:00 am. So the young man went to the beach at 4:00 am wearing a blue suit ready to rock and roll. He should have worn some shorts. The old man took the young man by his hand and asked, "How bad do you want to be successful?" 
     The young man said, "Real bad."
     The old man said, "Walk out into the water." 
     The young man walked out into the water leveling to his waist. The young man reflected, "This guy is crazy. He got me swimming. I don't want to be a lifeguard. I want to make money."
     "Come out a little further," said the old man.
     The young man walks out a little further until the water raised to his shoulders. "This old man is crazy. He is making money, but he is crazy," he thought."
     "Come out a little further."
     He came out a little further until the water came to his mouth, halting. "I am about to go back in. This guy has lost his mind."
     "I thought you want to be successful?"
     "I do!"
     "Walk a little further." 
     The young man proceeded deeper into the water, and the guru quickly grabbed his head pushing it underneath the water. The young man's arms went wild splashing against the water. Just before the man passed out, the guru raised him up.
     "I got a question for you? When you were under the water what did you want to do?"
     The young man out of breath and exhausted from the fight trying to stay alive replied, "I. Wanted. To. Breathe..."
     "If you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe then you will be successful!"
     My father in a certain atmosphere cannot breathe. All of a sudden for some unknown reason he couldn't breathe in his apartment, catching his breath. Prescription after prescription couldn't facilitate the problem. He was miserable. You know what my Dad finally did? He packed up his car with a few items leaving most things in his apartment and drove from Connecticut to North Carolina to stay without telling a soul. He just wanted to BREATHE, and he would do anything that could help him to do just that! 
     Many people want to succeed in their goals, but NOT bad enough as wanting to BREATHE. They rather hang out and/or party; they want to watch TV, or they rather get their zzz's on. If you did not know, that is sleep. I had to question myself analyzing the statement "If you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe then you will be successful!" I realized that I need to sacrifice and forgo some sleep, TV, or even forget eating to achieve my goals. I heard Beyonce was on a set and she forgot to eat for 3 days because she was so engaged. 50 cent worked on a movie and then said when he wasn't doing the movie he worked on the soundtrack. People asked him when he slept? His response was, "Sleep? Sleep is for those who are broke."
     I don't know what your goal(s) are, but let's put on our running shoes and chase after them. If you need to cry, cry and keep going. Don't quit. Feeling pain? Suck it up! Pain does not last forever, but quitting does and gives you no opportunity for success! For every step no matter how large or small they WILL propel you further towards your vision(s). WANT IT AS BADLY AS YOU BREATHE. Then Success show's its face with a big 'ole smile.

To your wealth!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

 excerpt from Stephany's personal journal June 19, 2013


     A couple of months ago I propelled myself to reach my goal and get out of my student loan debt not just in 2 1/2 years as devised in late 2012, but as revised, much less than 2 1/2 years. Looking at this goal it appears IMPOSSIBLE. In addition to my part-time job, I now work as an independent contractor with Deluxe Display putting up banners and standees at theaters, and delved deeper into affiliate marketing. Including with my church activities, I feel overwhelmed. Money goes out but none come in for my business Regal Global Network.
     Today I cried, absolutely desperate. I'm I crazy? I thought. Have I made a mistake? What am I doing wrong? But through my tears, I realized that people want instant results like instant food that comes out of a microwave including myself.
    I have to hold on in the turmoil of confusion because confusion never stays. Will I be a wimp and give up? No. I have to hold on even when I feel alone by myself. Yet, I am not alone for God stands with me as tears rimmed my eyes. Courage rises up!
    I will force myself to be optimistic, try, and try again. I will take my time and do not rush. Be patient, and remain passionate about achieving my goal continually reading my vision statements. 
     I leave you these encouraging words that encourage me: Go for the moon. If you do not get it, you still reach for a star!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

This is the 1st blog that began the wealth series, but I mistakenly deleted from the blog records right after its publication. Yet, recently I came across a draft of it in one of my documents. Therefore, I am republishing it again for those who are new to the blogs and have never read it. If you are one of the first ones who have read it, read it again. It will give you encouragement. Enjoy!


Do you think you’ve got what it takes to be rich? With the exception of lottery winners and those who inherited a prolific amount of money, every millionaire started with one, single, mono thought in their mind. Henry Ford – automobile, Bill Gates – Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook, Harland Sanders – Fried Chicken, The Wright Brothers – the airplane, for example, no matter how small or large the idea initiated, their thoughts created them wealth. Can you think? Do you generate thoughts? If your answer is YES, then you do have what it takes to be rich?  Alright, alright. Some of you do not want to be stinking, filthy rich, but just well off – no debts,  with freedom to spend time with loved ones and friends, and time to do and see whatever you want whenever you want not subjugated to a 9:00 – 5:00 job that you may hate. I get that, and it is not an awful thought (smile) or an idea. But with every thought, you must prepare for the vision or visualization of obtaining what you desire before to have it. You must have the correct mindset of perseverance and consistency, and action which leads to behavior or characterization.

You can achieve what you believe!
I have student loans that are kicking my derriere. I no longer have any credit cards or car loan debt – a wonderful relief. Yet, I started thinking. If I keep doing the say old thing I’ve been doing I am going to have same the old, grimy student loans cloaked over me as a prisoner for the next 20 years. No way! I thought. There has to be a way to eliminate the bill at an accelerated rate. So I took action to live with my mother after my divorce, so I can pay $1000+ per month for my student loans. This will eradicate the bill within 2-3 years instead of 20 years. But will this make me rich? Yes! For me being debt free quicker can produce more money to buy a home and make more investments. What thought can make you rich, well off? What idea that you have a passion for that can levitate you to the top - the top that you envisioned? I have told you one of my ideas, and I will not let it go because I think of it, I believe in it, and I can and will achieve it! You can too! Just begin with a simple thought.

I will continue on thought, action, consistency, momentum, visualization, and mindset in the upcoming months so catch us next month. And remember - share this with others!

To Your Wealth

Thursday, May 16, 2013



Hello readers! The final chapter about Nehemiah is here. By the way, if you are new to these blogs catch the previous ones first. We will discuss the 6th final aspect that Nehemiah did when chaos occurred all around him. Seeing his courage, we can implement what he did when confusion, distractions, and fear strikes as we climb to succeed in our goals. 

6.) Focus on adversity. The adversaries cunningly devised a lethal plan against Nehemiah to get him off the Wall. They felt if they could get the leader and kill him everything will fall apart for they believed that the Jews would never be able to finish rebuilding the Wall without him. They tried three different plans each thwarted for Nehemiah remained focus on adversity.
  • Sanballat and Geshem sent letters to Nehemiah to meet in one of the villages in the plain of Ono. Nehemiah refuses to meet them for Nehemiah perceived they wanted to do some mischief. Nehemiah 6:3: "And I sent messengers unto them, saying, 'I am engaged in a great work so I can't come. Why should I stop working and come and meet with you?'"
  • After the fourth time in the same above manner with Nehemiah's same response, Sanballat's servant came to Nehemiah with an open letter. In this letter, it stated that a rumor is going on that Nehemiah is a rebel who wants to be king. This news has already spread among the heathen, and it will be reported to the king of Persia. The disclosure will look very bad for Nehemiah. With tactics of persuasion in the face of fear for Nehemiah, it would be best to take counsel with Tobiah, Sanballat, and Geshem who would help him. Nehemiah said it is a lie, and it comes forth out of his own heart. He will not stop this great work and come down from the Wall.
  • Shemaiah a Jewish priest tried to coax Nehemiah to come off the Wall prognosticating that the adversaries will slay him in the night so come and stay with him in the Temple. Nehemiah replied in Nehemiah 6:11-13, "'Should someone in my position run from danger? Should someone in my position enter the Temple to save his life? No, I won't do it!' I realized that God had not spoken to him, but that he uttered this prophecy against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. They were hoping to intimidate me and make me sin. Then they would be able to accuse and discredit me."'
All three trickery represents one central point - to get Nehemiah out of position to get him in a new place to destroy him. Are you out of position from your task? The enemy loves to see you in a new place so you can be DESTROYED. Maybe not you with physical death but death to your purpose, visions, and goals. Instead, stay focus on your task. Don't ever let the opposition have the final word. When problems occur, don't become negative and sour bogged down with distractions, doubt or fear. EMBRACE your problems by running toward them with faith, belief, and optimism. Your cheerful reactions to your hindrances will propel you further toward your destiny.

After 52 days the ruined Wall stood whole, massively tall, and completed. The Moabites, Ammonites, Ashdodites, Arabians, and the Samaritans who mockingly, cruelly did not think the Jews lead by the man called Nehemiah would succeed, yet now saw with their own eyes the completed Wall of Jerusalem. They knew the work was wrought by God. The Jews did not capitulate because of their enemies threats. Instead, 1. They stop listening to accusing voices; 2. they prayed; 3. they did not take criticism personally, 4. they went from believing to expecting, 5. they protected what was theirs, and 6. they focus on adversity. Keep these points in your forefront, and you too will triumph just like Nehemiah and the Jews did!

 To your wealth!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013



As the Jews lead by a courageous man named Nehemiah, they forged to succeed in a daunting task of rebuilding the broken down and shambled Wall of Jerusalem. We see 6 essential aspects they did initiate by Nehemiah that we can keep them in our forefront when we desire to achieve our own goals. In part one we saw how 1. they stop listening to accusing voices, 2. they prayed, and 3. they did not take criticism personally. As we continue we will look at 4 and 5. If you have not read part one, it would be good to read that first.

4. They went from believing to expecting. As we know, Nehemiah already expected the ruined Wall completed in "Can You See Your Wealth Using Autosuggestion and Visualization?" He mustered the people's faith or belief that they could rebuild the Wall transforming it into action. An action represents the vital component one must have moving from believing to expecting. Action manifests the reality your belief must see as tangible.

5. They protected what was theirs. "Meanwhile, our enemies were saying, 'Before they know what's happening, we will swoop down on them and kill them and end their work,'" Nehemiah 4:11. Nehemiah heard about the plan the enemies conspired. He took action. He had half of the people to continue the work while another half held spears, shields, bows, and body armors as they watched the surroundings beside the workers ready for a fight. This was their lives being threatened. Nehemiah not only had the workers protected, but he also had men with spears, swords, and bows defending their families and their homes. Rebuilding the Wall belongs to their heritage and not anyone else.  With Nehemiah's quick scheme of action the counsel of trickery from the adversaries came to a halt.

Fight for your dream, your vision, your goal. Do not allow outsiders or distractions within you or around you destroy your business opportunities, or you losing weight, or you getting your degree from a university for examples. Remain steadfast with perseverance. To keep you on track, use autosuggestion and visualizations (previous blog) as you remind yourself of your goal and why you are doing it. Visualize that you have it before it manifests. Another point, if you run into problems and it seems like you can't find a solution, try the following: before you go to bed tell your subconscious about that particular setback(s), and say to your subconscious, "Discover viable solution(s) for those hindrances." You see, your conscious mind sleeps while you sleep, but your subconscious mind remains awake. It's always working for you even while you sleep. So while you sleep through the night with no worries knowing everything will be fine in the morning, once you awake your creative subconscious mind has an answer with clarity. It is amazing! Try it. It works for me. If you do not perceive an answer in the morning, as you get ready for bed once again inform your subconscious about the obstacles and voice it to find a remedy. No solution when you awake? Then do it again until you receive a huge payoff! Just do NOT worry or allow fear keeping you from having a good night sleep.

I will address the last point Nehemiah did in the following blog.

To your wealth!

This will be continued...

Monday, April 1, 2013



Nehemiah stood on the rubble of stones rallying the people to stand with him and rebuild the walls. The bible says, "For they strengthened their hands for this good work. (Nehemiah 2:19) With great anger Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, old-time enemies of the Jews, who were now in possession of the land, scoffed their plans questioning them who did they think they were beginning such a task rebelling against the king. Nehemiah bravely answered them, "The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:20). Wow. Have you ever had a vision or a great goal, and you share it with family and/or friends only to be mocked, criticized, questioned, chastised and laughed at? I have. What can you do? Do you cry, or scream back at those who seem to "bully" you and your dreams, or do you give up and give in? Well, there are six different things that you can do like Nehemiah did and achieve much success against onslaught of crafty deceits.

1. They did not listen to the accusing voices. I have once heard that courage is not the absence of fear but courage is in spite of fear. The Moabites, Ammonites, Ashdodites, Arabians, and the recently imported the Samaritans, cunningly and sardonically resisted the rebuilding of the Wall of Jerusalem. With every ridicule the people persisted in the work and overlooked the accusing voices.

2. They prayed. Well you may not be a praying person, and that is fine. Yet, for me, no situation existed that needed much success that could not be without much prayer. It keeps you positive instead of negative. It gives you clarity in the midst of adversity. And it gives you strength when you feel weak, misunderstood, discouraged, and alone.

3. They never took criticism personally. Most criticism spoken spill out of mouths not to build up but to tare you and your dreams into tiny little pieces that cannot be put back together. Criticism that hurts the worst is frequently undeserved and is unfair. In the case with Nehemiah and the Jews the criticism slithered out mouths like a snake to promote fear and distractions trying to get them to lose focus on what they should be doing. Instead the people kept working day and night letting those words of criticism fall unsuccessfully to the ground unscathed.

To recapitulate, Nehemiah did not listen to the accusing voices, prayed, and never took criticism personally. When we have a goal, dream, or a vision do not be moved and be dejected when someone scorns you and your vision. Just implement what Nehemiah and the Jews did in the face of much adversity.

Next blog we will look at the thee other keys that Nehemiah initiated.

To your wealth!

To be continued...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Autosuggestion represents the medium for influencing the subconscious mind. To influence our subconscious mind in building up wealth one must quiet yourself where you cannot be disturbed or interrupted; then write down the amount of money that you desire to accumulate, why you want to accrue this amount of money, and the defined time limit; close your eyes and repeat aloud so you can hear in your own words the written statement of the amount of money you intend to amass, the reason why for the accumulation, and the time limit. Repeat this statement every morning and at night before you go to bed. With this simple technique suddenly this repetition of your purpose stimulates your imagination where you see yourself receiving the amount before it manifests. It is incredible! The mind is so vast without limitations. It is simple! Just think, speak, and see. It is true! With consistent repetition and memorization of your statement, you will start to imagine or visualize getting what you desire, and that will automatically propel yourself into action in achieving what began with a simple thought.

There is a great example of visualization described in the Bible in the book of Nehemiah. In 586 B.C. the great Jerusalem gets utterly destroyed by the Babylonians, and the Jews exiled to the city of Babylon.  Over 100 years there are two exiles of Jews returning to Jerusalem with the permission and kindness of the Kings of Persia to build Jerusalem but with distressing results for Jerusalem still remained in physical and spiritual shambles. Yet there came a man called Nehemiah and upon receiving this distressful news of his homeland from a friend who has just returned from Jerusalem, he cries out unto God, full of supplication, prayer, and repentance. Nehemiah who was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia (456-425 B.C.), a reliable and important official decides to ask the king to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the broken down walls consumed with fire. The king approves and gives him the authority to rebuild the Wall and restore Jerusalem as a fortified city. When Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem, he slips out late one night taking only a few others with him and he "viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down and the gate thereof were consumed with fire," (Nehemiah 2:13). That word 'viewed' in Hebrew is shabar which means to scrutinize; by implication (of watching) to expect (with hope and patience): - hope, tarry, viewed, wait. He saw the torn down walls burned with fire, but what he visualized out of the rumbles of shabby, sooty, scorched rocks stood a gigantic, great, glorious barrier. He envisioned with hope and expectancy of a restored Wall already completed before he ever told anyone what he planned to do in Jerusalem. It was a huge and daunting task. Was it without challenges? No, Nehemiah faced several challenges. Was it without danger or fear? Absolutely not, but for in the end with much consistency, determination, and persistence, Nehemiah with dedicated loyal people succeeded in their goal in rebuilding the Wall!

So the next time you want to achieve a goal - any kind of goal - use your autosuggestion with repetition that will stimulate your visualization attaining your goal before you have it, and that will mechanically drive you into action to manifest your thought into reality! In the next blog, we will look at the dangers and challenges Nehemiah faced but overcame to what was God's desire thrusting it into existence.

To Your Wealth!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

To Surrender vs To Succeed?

Your thoughts are running through your mind like a well-oiled machine. New creative plans roll out. Goal(s) you just made formulated on your churning thoughts that manufacture wealth! The temperature of excitement rises to a new high within you. The visualization of your plans put into a viable action arrives. Your mind says, "Yes this is a great way to produce wealth! I will do this!" Yet... anything worth having is NOT always easy! Your plans have a hiccup - a person(s),  thing(s)  or thought(s) that brings you a present of distraction and/or fear and/or let's be honest boredom! How can a great way of achieving wealth bring you boredom? What has happened? I will tell you! When you are obtaining wealth takes a lot of effort, and it can be exhausting and sometimes disappointing. Your first excitement without seeing any fruit of your labor can be daunting, and now has turned into boredom, into "I give up!" The once well-oiled machine churning thoughts creaks to a stop. The residence of the thoughts soon disappears like winds blow tumbleweeds far away into the scorching sun of a lonely desert.

If you were following my previous blog, I devised a plan to create an extra $1000+ per month to eradicate my student loans and accumulate money for my investments. I got a part-time job traveling 30 minutes and with traffic 40 minutes from my home both ways. Sometimes when I leave the job it is not uncommon for an accident to occur, and then I get home at a later time. Uugghh! By the way, I can not stand traffic. This new part-time job created excitement at first and revels in the glory of it. But now working six days a week, I can complain about the gas I am spending, the traffic, and the job, and thoughts arise, "Is this worth it? I do not get everything I need to understand this job. I might as well quit." A hodgepodge of frustration, fear, and failure creeps into my mind, and capitulating thoughts combats with thoughts of succeeding my goal. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways and confusion remains. So what I did to help me was write my vision down, why I wanted to achieve $1000+  per month and read it out every day once in the morning and once in the evening.

The drive has not improved, but the job has. Each day I grasp more and more, step by step, momentum building. I am compensated with enough money obtaining my goal to decrease my student's loans. This is the crux, the purpose of this part-time job. Is it easy? No. Is it frustrating? At first.

To recapitulate: everything starts with a thought, thoughts turn into desire and desire turns into action. Your actions may be slow at first, but do not surrender. With every step by step, you will gain momentum to a speed that can not be stopped. I am keeping this in my mind, and I share it with you to do the same.

To your wealth!