Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Hello! Just a short video to juice your energy! Your mind that is!

To Your Wealth!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Power of Setting Intentions

We all have dreams or visions throughout our lives. Yet, it is the power of you setting your intention that manifest that dream into a reality. Setting intentions relating to your vision give you more control of your life. I am going to break it down for you.

First of all, what does it mean to have an intention or set an intention? It's definition conveys as "to have a firmly directed purpose or plan or have attention firmly fixed." Without setting intention regarding your goals causes you to stray from your purpose. No direction arises. So many may dream or have a vision but it slips away. Yet with setting intention, it causes your mind to visualize more clearly of your dreams that leads you to desire. Now you are ready for action. Say what you see; see what you have said.

That means your power of setting your intention comes out of your mouth day and night as your mind visualize your dreams. Say your intention everyday until you have obtained your goal. Your level of your subconscious becomes so in tune with your vision that now your desire of that goal ignites like a vital necessity. Therefore, you MUST ACT NOW to receive the results. So say what you see; see what you have said.

Setting your intentions could be finding a new career that you are passionate about. Perhaps now your want to get healthy and physically fit, or you desire more quality time with loved ones or alone. So for example, say that you intend to lose 40 lbs, you being overweight, and because you visualize in your mind that you now lose 40 lbs by exercising, juicing, get a personal trainer etc speak it out what you see in your mind. It fortifies your goal giving you direction.

I heard a story about a seventy your old woman who intended to become a world famous photographer. She didn't think in her mind that she had reached an age  that she couldn't become a world famous photographer, She saw it in her mind, however, many differently thought about her being a world famous photographer. Guess what? After entering a photo contest, she won first prize of $10,000. But that is not all! Her prize-winning photo toured around the world with a Kodak exhibit. I include this story to make a point: dare to dream and set your intention - be specific with it; do not let people or words deter you - never give up; your vibrant rainbow of dreams manifest into existence - no matter what age you are!

Do you have a dream or vision? Share with us and go after it.

To your wealth!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Goals Leads To Destination You Want Out Of Life

Have you look at your life and been unhappy with your personal life and/or the direction of your career? You reply, "I don't know what to do. I need help." First, you need develop your career goals, then after time inspect them, and change them if need to be. Do the same for your personal life. 

Remember! Your present situation can never trap you. You have the key to change your situation. It is your choice. When you have this attitude, instead of being depressed, anxious, and unhappy, a load will lift from your shoulders and you can become energized by the possibilities. 

Yes! Power lies in having a GOAL!

  • It motivates you putting action behind the goal. Ah, look out! You are ready to run for the prize to receive what you want from life
  • It reduces stress because people are wired to need a purpose and direction because it gives a sense of accomplishment.

Goals represent the spot where you really want out of your life. No goals outlined in your life? Results... you get distracted and sidetracked in your life which causes unhappiness. 

If you have "To Do" list that is too long and your calendar too full, just look at your goal list. Ask yourself, "What items help you attain your goal and are necessary? What items can be eliminated because it does not add to my goal?" 

Each goal you obtain or move toward your goal, you will receive a sense of accomplishment as your energy and momentum rises to keep running toward the prize.

Step by step, success by success soaring through your goals you will live a prosperous, victorious life.

Let's get started and set your goals!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Achieving Success In 3 Steps

Changing our day-to-day behaviors may be easier than previously imagined. By meditating on and repeating motivational and inspirational quotes, we are better prepared to change our thought patterns, behaviors and in turn, change our lives.

This is how it's done.

If we believe something to be easy, we find little, if any struggle in accomplishing it. However, if we imagine something to be difficult to accomplish, then our struggle becomes more apparent. In fact, if we imagine that it is difficult to change a specific behavior, then we will always find experiences that will justify that belief. 

Take this for example. We wake up one morning and decide that:

"This is the day I start losing weight. When things get difficult, I will not reach for junk food, but instead I will focus on something else to keep my mind occupied. It'll be tough at first, but I'm going to give it a try."

If you continue with this thought pattern and belief, don't be surprised to find yourself struggling more often than not. Why?

If we look at this example closely we find a couple of thought patterns and beliefs already in place. We have determined to do something good for ourselves, but we do ourselves a disservice by choosing certain negative thought patterns, beliefs and words that go along with it.

We have said,

"When things get difficult...."
(This is already assuming that there will be difficult moments! Strike one!)

"It'll be tough at first..."
(This is already assuming it will be difficult at first! Strike two!)

"...but I'm going to give it a try."
(Remember the movie "The Karate Kid"..."There is no "try", there is only "do". Strike three!)

Now there are hundreds of products out there that will assist people in losing weight. Some, if not all of them, may work for various people at various stages of their goal. But for many people who have convinced themselves that losing weight is difficult, some products may fall short when our thought patterns are stronger than our desire to change.

So the three steps again:

1. Decided to change your way of thinking about a behavior, making it easier for you to think about it. Phrase it in a simple way.

2. Choose a word to focus on to change that behavior for a period of time.

3. Find a minimum of three motivational or inspirational quotes related to that specific word that are powerful enough to change your current thought patterns the moment you read them. Meditate on them and repeat them, silently or out loud, every chance you get.

Be patient. Stick with it. Give it some time.

Why do you think companies offer a 30-day money back guarantee? They know that if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit and you no longer need to return it! (Learned something, huh?) Give it time.

The first step to what you want to accomplish is changing your mind and the thought patterns and beliefs associated with your behavior. Thoughts are the precursor to action, meaning that thoughts occur before any action takes place. That's what needs to be changed first. Your thoughts.

It worked for me and I hope this inspires and motivates you to achieve your goal.

Think positive. 

To Your Wealth!

If this article was helpful comment below and tell me how.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

7 Traits The Rich Have In Common

7 traits of the rich
Billionaire moguls Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey are highly entrepreneurial with great confidence in their creative ventures. Those are just two of the traits broadly shared by the self-made rich, experts say.
Amassing wealth without a trust fund is no easy feat. There isn't a magic recipe for making millions, but certain ingredients can help.

Hard work, education, smart investing, frugality, risk taking, and plain ol' luck were some of the main factors ultra-high-net-worth investors used to describe themselves when surveyed by the Spectrem Group.

CNNMoney decided to dig a little deeper. We asked several wealth experts if they noticed any similar traits or attitudes among their clients with a net worth of at least $5 million.
Here's what surfaced:

Entrepreneurial: Going into business is a common path among the wealthy. While there are plenty of doctors, lawyers and corporate executives in the $5 million-plus group surveyed by Spectrem, those who go on to become business owners tend to build an even higher net worth.

Always on the clock: The 40-hour work week is like a part-time schedule for many, especially those who have built businesses. A 60- to 80-hour work week is more the norm, as are working vacations, according to certified financial planner Doug Flynn of Flynn Zito Capital Management.

High energy: Many high-net-worth individuals have a lot of energy, don't need much sleep, and enjoy generally upbeat attitudes, according to psychologist James Gottfurcht, who runs Los Angeles-based Psychology of Money Consultants.

The super wealthy also tend to be visionaries, said psychologist Kristen Armstrong, a strategic wealth coach at Ascent Private Capital Management. She described many of her clients as "force of nature" people.
"I see again and again that they have a really great ability to envision possible futures ... [and] an amazing ability to focus their efforts and energy once they see a possibility."

Extremely confident: Gottfurcht said most of his clients who made their wealth possess what he calls an "expansive, healthy grandiosity." By that he means a sense of "I can do anything."
They're also open to creative ways of achieving their goals.
Armstrong, too, said her clients have great confidence in themselves and others, and firmly believe the world will accommodate their business ideas.

Also common, though, among some of Gottfurcht's wealthiest clients is what he termed "narcissistic personality disorder." That is, they think they're special, "require excessive admiration," have a high sense of entitlement and lack empathy for others, he said.

Discerning: For all their confidence, Armstrong's clients know they're not the smartest person in the room on every given issue. But they know to surround themselves with people who are -- which will help them realize their vision.

Among business owners, those who do best are the ones who move past sole proprietorship, and partner with others to expand their enterprises, said Flynn.

Modest: Despite glamorous Hollywood portrayals of the rich life, many multi-millionaires live more modestly. Most of Flynn's richest clients have chosen not to bump up their lifestyles in lockstep with their growing wealth.

"They still wear their old plaid shirt," he said. Or at least the men do.

Risk tolerant, but not impulsive: Anyone who runs a business is by nature a risk taker, Flynn noted. But there are no investing swashbucklers among his clients.

They have some short-term investments but tend to have a longer time horizon than most investors. Whether they invest in a stock or a building, they stick with it as long as it still makes sense to them.
But they won't go all in on one bet, according to Flynn.

"There's always the guy who bets it all on something, gets lucky and then gets out. But that's not the recipe for most people," Flynn said.

To Your Wealth!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Unsettling Facts About What You're Putting On Your Face

In Europe, there are 1,373 chemicals banned from cosmetics. In the United States, there are 8. Formaldehyde, known to cause cancer in humans, can be found in nail polish, hair gel, shampoos, and lotions. Triclosan, which disrupts the body's natural hormone system, can be found in soaps, deodorants, and toothpaste. Parabens, found in breast cancer tumors, can be found in many lotions and ointments. In the USA, there are no laws that require cosmetic companies to demonstrate the safety of their products. Sources for this information include FDA.gov, BreastCancerFund.org, and USDA.gov.

Yes, the video is quite disturbing. We have to be proactive and read the ingredients in soaps, deodorants, and toothpaste. Better to be alive than sorry.

What do you think about this? Comments are always appreciated.

To your wealth!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Putting Fear To Work For Your Money

“Greed is good.” That phrase was made famous by actor Michael Douglas playing financial lizard Gordon Gekko in Oliver Stone’s movie Wall Street.
That movie came out in 1987 when hostile takeovers and leveraged buyouts were becoming all the rage. It articulated an ethos that was starting to define American finance. While the movie is critical of the “greed is good” philosophy, many on Wall Street embraced it as a mantra.

Greed’s nemesis is fear. Fear and greed are often said to be the emotional extremes that investors swing between. Greed has usually had the upper hand over the past couple decades, from over-hyping the dot-com boom to fueling speculative bubbles in gold and oil to pushing risky mortgages to unsophisticated borrowers. It can be rightly said that greed had a great deal to do with the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.


What about fear?

The question is, if greed has done such a lousy job as the muse of finance, could fear do a better job?

Here are four ways a dose of fear might be good for household finances:

  1. Retirement savings. In the late 1990s, when Americans saw huge stock market returns send their 401(k) balances skyrocketing, greed was a big motivator for retirement saving. Just put a little money in and the stock market would carry you to great wealth — or so went the thinking. Since then, the stock market has proven less reliable, savings account interest rates have dropped to practically zero, and confidence in having the money to retire has faded. Here’s where fear should take over: While making 401(k) contributions no longer seems like a ticket to wealth, not making them is a likely ticket to impoverishment.
  2. Debt. Federal Reserve figures show non-mortgage debt soaring to record levels. The greed element of this is obvious — living beyond your means brings instant gratification. Fear might be more instructive though, because people who do not get debt under control will see their lifestyles come crashing down.
  3. Investing. Both fear and greed are harmful to investors. They lead people to do the wrong things at the wrong phase of the stock market cycle. There is one form of fear that can be constructive though: fear of the unknown. If you do not know what you are investing in, how it makes money and why it is capable of producing a good return, then you should steer clear.
  4. Home buying. Greed in home buying is when people see only the house and not the mortgage. Face it, houses have gone way beyond representing simple shelter. They are status symbols, and some people are willing to overreach just for the appearance of being successful — even though it may not last. What you should fear when you sign on for a mortgage is not knowing how you will make each and every payment. This means that if you are not sure you can afford it, or if you are not sure how the mortgage works, then you should let fear be your guide and steer clear.
The problem is, investors do not tend to feel fear until it becomes an overwhelming, paralyzing emotion during crises. Instead of waiting for extreme fear, perhaps it would be better to temper greed with a healthy dose of fear on a day-in and day-out basis.

How has fear attributed to your money? What experience can you share?

To Your Wealth!

Original Post: http://www.forbes.com/sites/moneybuilder/2014/05/19/putting-fear-to-work-for-your-money/